Photos Submitted by Dave Tucker, Class of 72
Northeastern Bible College
Dave Tucker can be contacted at
Click on these photos to enlarge them.
This is a photo from the 1972 yearbook. I was "Mr. Harvester"
that year and this is one of the photos taken for that page. |
This photo was taken at a College for a Day activity. I am on the
left, John Elias is on the right. I was Student Body President and John was SMF President. In the middle are Cathy Conklin and Jan Ziegler.
Note the sideburns on John and me -- they're in style again! |
This was taken in September of 1999. I was on a short term teaching assignment in Ukraine. I taught Old Testament at three
Ukrainian Bible Institutes. This photo was taken in the city of Rovenki, Ukraine. The woman is Irina
Novitsky, who served as my translator (and general nursemaid) during my three weeks